Friday, September 5, 2014

10 tips to a healthier new you

1. Drink one to two glasses of water first thing every day.
2. Do not skip breakfast.   If you don’t have time to eat, drink something nutrient-rich before you head out the door. Try to avoid eating breakfast on the run because you’re more likely to eat something unhealthy.
3. Nourish your mind before beginning your day.   Don’t turn on the news immediately after you wake up. Instead, exercise or read something inspirational to feed your mind and body.
4. Don’t use coffee to amp yourself up.   If you drink coffee, try to slowly reduce what you consume, going from two cups to one cup a day, for example.
5. Eat healthier by being prepared.   If you’re in a hurry, don’t just go to a store and buy a bar or other food you rip open from a package. Carry food such as an apple, raw nuts, a hard-boiled egg or a smoothie in a thermos so that you’re prepared in an emergency.   “Cheap food is expensive in the long run,”. 
6. Eat a salad that includes protein for lunch.   The protein-packed salad will help maintain your energy throughout the afternoon more than pizza or a sandwich.
7. Avoid white flour.
8. Drink real water or fresh vegetable juice. Don't drink soda or vitamin water.   Your kidneys need to be filtered and real water does it best.
9. Teach kids early about how to eat healthy.   Let them cook healthy meals with you. “Kids love jobs, especially if you make it fun.”
10. It’s not selfish to be selfish.   Moms and dads must do something to take care of themselves every day to perform their best as parents. It's noted that exercise or meditation takes as little as 15 minutes. “You can’t give from an empty well,”.

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