- Small to medium sized black and white printed copies of family pictures
- Black craft paint
- Water
- Sponge
- Card Stock (the size of your pictures)
- X-Acto knife
- Small to medium picture Frames for your pictures
- Red mini-LED Christmas Lights (try Superior Holiday Lighting's flattop version, $11.26 for a 25-foot string; 1000bulbs.com)
- Tape
- Fake cobwebs
- Make a black-and-white copy of a portrait on printer paper and cut it out.
- To "age" the picture, lightly brush a sponge dipped in a solution of a few drops of black craft paint mixed with water. Let the paper dry.
- Cut a piece of card stock the same size as your photo and glue it to the photo's back. Let it dry. With an X-Acto knife, cut out the eyes of the picture's subject(s), piercing through the card stock and creating holes about 1/4 inch in diameter.
- Open the frame's back, remove the glass and then fit the photo inside the frame.
- Insert red, mini, LED Christmas lights through the back of the eye holes. Plug in the lights and hen replace the frame's backing, securing it with tape if necessary and drape with fake cobwebs.
- *Optional* Cut small triangles from white paper and glue or tape them to the subject's mouth for an even creepier look! http://inspiredtolaugh.net/paranormal-portraits/
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